Oct 30, 2011

darlin distracting

I'm fucking around with these pictures of JJ and I from last night when we were "dressed up" as goth kids for a costume party we were hired to perform fire at.. due to a lack of time/planning we figured no one would know we're often seen outside of Halloween dressed quite similarly... instead of focusing on finishing my Demoness monologue.


Oct 21, 2011

Occupy Seattle: Day of 1,000 Umbrellas

Occupy Seattle
This is illegal in Westlake park in Seattle because umbrellas touching the ground constitutes a structure and since no camping is allowed then you're not allowed to have an umbrella structure if it's raining and you're say sitting and waiting for a bus...

Yes, it's utter silliness but somebody has to have fun and not be too serious about every single aspect of the 99% movement especially today, Sat 10/22, since there's a police brutality march happening earlier on.. So need mummery ~ I present to you, yours truly!

Oct 20, 2011

I dream of Djinni

If I could have 3 wishes I'd wish for:

~ 4-6 more hours in a day so I'd have time for 8-10 hours sleep, 3 square meals, laundry, grocery shopping trips, and sex...

~ an extra set of arms like Kali or Shiva so I could more effectively multi-task like carrying groceries, while smoking a cigarette, and type a text..

 ~ abolish all credit including the US federal note so that there would be a level the playing field for everyone here on Earth.

Oct 11, 2011

how to kill a revolution ~ follow a leader!

 Here's the link: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/10/10/this-is-how-you-kill-a-movement
My comment #162:
Guys ~ you do realize that the system of having 2-8 official leaders elected to represent everyone in the state is precisely what is FAILING. The problem is that if there's only a few leaders at the top then that's only a few to bribe, blackmail, or otherwise corrupt and the people and their interests are no longer represented even remotely.. I keep hearing similar sentiments like this slogger:

"We are fully on board with the message of the 99%, but not with the people who believe the only valid way to make a decision is by consensus." ~Christopher Frizzelle

  How is that on board with the 99%? Either you, just like the city, are contradicting yourself or we find ourselves in a bit of a paradox. Believe me, I find the GA frustrating and annoying as can be but the fact of the matter is that if there are no leaders then it can't be corrupted, though it can creep and crawl and hardly accomplish anything. However, this movement is about change. Everybody fears change therefore is readily willing to defend their current way of life despite the fact that it's a futile facade..

   The OWS has already succeeded in that it's made us think about new models of governing ourselves! It's made us check our egos as to why we want to be in charge of something! It's made us decide if we agree, or don't agree, or don't care, or are prone to sitting on the fence only to decide according to what our peers think! That's pure and simply [R]evolutionary!

If the people lead then the leaders will follow. As much as I hate it I'm willing to test this theory because I'm sick and tired of following leaders while they follow whoever is the highest bidder... 

"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe that they are free." ~Goethe

Oct 9, 2011

who is the 1%

  So last night when I was walking around on stilts during the general assembly meeting of the Seattle Occupants a guy randomly approached me and asked "so how do you determine the 1%?" Not particularly a conversation I felt like having especially while hobbling on stilts (I prefer to cruise around so I work a larger group of leg muscles otherwise I'll cramp up and be sore as hell..) my first instinct was offense since I was obviously not on the same level as him so why did he so aggressive approach me 2.5' above him to dig into a debate with? Well, I suppose it could be argued that I had asked for it since the sign in hand said nothing but "we are the 99%". Being an absolute retard when it comes to mathematics and having no idea who or how those statistics came about nor did I bother to check my resources before selecting my signage, I do hereby declare myself a hypocrite AND will be sure my next sign says something I can get behind 100% but also give an intelligent rebuttal to any dissent. Plus I did attempt to research those quoted demographics today but I will humbly admit that I am not qualified to EVER speak in numbers assuredly as if they're actually factual stats!

  However this article in Vanity Fair (don't laugh.. it really is well written) Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
allowed me to come up with a much better response to that question without having to argue sources and fear of incorrect calculations. THE 99% ARE THE PEOPLE WHO GET 1 VOTE FOR THEIR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. THE 1% GETS TO VOTE ON EVERY SINGLE BILL THAT COMES THROUGH CONGRESS WHILE OUR NEEDS & CONCERNS ARE INSIGNIFICANT.

  Clear it up for you there, confrontational geek man? Good!

Oct 6, 2011

Bank Robbers of America

I got 2 different emails from friends this morning forwarding me this link to a news article about a petition to stop Bank of America's new $5 a month charge for using the debit card they issue for free since everyone I know knows how extremely unhappy I've been with feeling like my bank is trying to kill me (starving to death w/$100 in overdraft fees to pay off before I get back to $0 and can then buy food etc..) It's gone beyond the point of petitioning...  


In addition to the $5 a month for having a debit card and using it they are also charging $2 every time you use a non-BoA atm (that's in addition to the $2-3 atm machine's fee), charging $12 a month for checking and $5 a month for savings(!) if you don't maintain a daily average balance of $1500 for checkings, and a min of $300 in savings plus if you make more than 3 withdrawals or transfers in/out of savings you're charged a $3 excessive withdrawals fee ~ OMFG!!!?

cup of babalon

Back in 1996 I drew the Queen of Cups card and I've only now understood how it compares to my birthchart. "This Queen reminds you of the power you have to not just be who you are, but understand who you are and who you could be." ~Helen Howell

Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...